Monday, September 24, 2012

Enter: Tash

Hello! I'm Tash, and if you can think of a creative way to shorten that, then be my guest! I'm never good at these introductions, but there's a guide of sorts, so I'll follow that.

1. My username is Tash. It's been my nickname since before the dawn of time, and it's almost never taken, even on large sites.

2. I stumbled across the site when I googled "online roleplay". Thankfully, it was the first result, so I didn't have to stumble through sticky swamps of creepy 90's blue and black wallpapered chat sites where all the roleplays start with "A/S/L". When I saw the beautiful floral margins here, I had to stay.

3. This is actually my first attempt at joining an online roleplay community(evidenced by me googling online roleplay, and not something more specific). I have, however, spend excessive amounts of my life thus far with tabletop games, and personal roleplay, mainly with friends.

4. What am I looking for? What aren't I looking for? Thus far, I've only ever played with people I'm close to, both in proximity and friendship. Coming here is an exciting learning experience for me. I get to meet new people, make new friends, and play with people from completely different cultures with completely different ideas.

5. I only roleplay in post-german expressionist, sci fi romances. Just kidding. I like a little bit of everything if it is intriguing. That's boring though, so if this is going on record, use response A.

6. Well, if you haven't guessed, I like color. That's not really a hobby, so on paperwork I'd put "hex-coding" which is actually something I taught myself out of boredom. I know. Depressing right? At least it's colorful. In addition to that, I am actually a gangster, which also goes under hobbies and extra-curricular activities. I keep extensive journals to record me feelings, dreams, ideas, and anything else I want to shove in there, and I have done so since 7th grade.

7. Well, I am above average at waiting tables, and I can make a mean bowl of ramen. I am somewhat neuroatypical which isn't really an advantage, but it makes me excellent at tasks that require more concentration then usual, and my attention to detail is obsessive. Again, not an advantage all of the time.

8. No friends here sadly. Up until recently, I haven't actually spent a whole lot of time on the internet. I didn't even have access until sophomore year. But, I would love to make new friends here.

9. Yup, just provide state, city, ZIP and address, and I will send you a bag of homemade cookies. Your choice of chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter, or hazelnut. Free shipping in continental US. Packages ship 3-5 business days from the day I buy the ingredients.

So...yeah. Hi guys.


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